Bobby Bonilla的三千萬美元養老津貼。

以下摘自baseball library網頁

Bonilla's second stint with the Mets turned out to be just as disastrous as his first. After a knee injury sidelined him in March, he gained weight and hit just .160 in 60 games with the team. His lumbering ineptitude in the field earned him sarcastic ovations from Shea Stadium crowds whenever he fielded the ball cleanly. Unhappy with Bonilla's play, the Mets placed him on irrevocable waivers in June. Not surprisingly, he went unclaimed.

For his part, Bonilla was angry that he wasn't given more at-bats, often clashing loudly with manager Bobby Valentine over his lack of playing time. He was kept on the post-season roster, but struck out twice in his four at-bats as a pinch-hitter. As the Mets were eliminated by the Braves in the eleventh inning of a gut-wrenching NLCS Game Six, Bonilla reportedly sat in the clubhouse with teammate Rickey Henderson -- playing cards.

"I'm not going to stay quiet again next year," Bonilla announced in December. But by that point, it was clear that Bonilla had no future in New York. He was finally released in January after reaching an unusual agreement with the Mets: Instead of picking up his $5.9 million salary for the 2000 season, the team pledged to pay him $1,193,248.20 each July 1st from 2011 to 2035 -- nearly $30 million all told. Less than a month later, Bonilla signed with the Braves.

意思是說Bonilla這老兄在上世紀末1999年被交易去小的不懂隊後,比他在Dodgers時還更衰小。他又受傷又吃太肥又打的爛守備漫不經心,球迷都討厭他,球團也對他沒啥好感,把他丟上waiver但沒人要。Bonilla也覺得不爽,他覺得球隊待他頗薄,總教練大情人Bobby Valentine不給他足夠的上場機會。不過在該年季後賽他被放在25人名單裡,上去代打都打不好,且在小的不懂隊被斧頭隊淘汰的那場比賽裡還被鏡頭逮到他跟隊友Rickey Henderson在玩牌XD

Bonilla的合約到2000年底才到期,小的不懂隊那年還要付他$5.9M薪水。可是球隊已經對他很不滿,根本就不願意讓他繼續留在隊中,卻又沒辦法把他交易掉(合約尚餘複數年才到期的球員,在被交易到新球隊後的下一個offseason,可以要求再被交易),畢竟這種打不好的club cancer基本上是沒有球隊想花百萬美金特地把他弄去。於是他們在2000年一月時跟Bonilla的經紀人談判,一拍兩散,Mets付清合約剩下的錢,Bonilla終止掉合約最後一年成為自由球員。只是球隊選擇付清這筆錢的方法有些特別︰



因為這是計算過net present value的結果。

Net present value,淨現值,就wiki的解釋是這樣的︰

此方法的立論是將投資的未來現金流量, 全部折現成投資始日的價值, 稱為該投資的淨現金流量, 或稱為淨現值 (Net Present Value).



習慣上我不會用起始年的net present value來表示,而是每一行都換算成該年的實際present value來比較。

左邊是假設Mets在2000年就直接付給Bonilla $5.9M的情況,右邊是他們改付養老金的情況。兩個表中的利率是相等的,我們調整這一欄的數字讓左右兩邊在2035年的帳戶價值趨近相等。




只是,雖然從net present value的角度看來Mets這樣支付其實想法很不錯,但我們看看現在的市場長啥樣子。Ted Lilly一年可以拿到$10M,$5M在自由市場上簽到的人只能期待他能扮演好一個regular。從這角度來看的話,其實Mets當初乾脆就直接把$5.9M付清算了,這從現在來看只是小錢,而且他們也不會因為這養老金成為被消遣的對象XD

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